Happy May! Happy Sunday!
I am writing this from the comfort of my hammock and not just any hammock a phish hammock. Love this thing and you can order one too here.
Mothers Day Massage – Mothers Day is this coming Sunday! If you’re stuck on what to give your mom how about an aromatherapy massage! I got an AraomoRitual a few weeks ago from Elements Massage in Littleton and it was amazing. I chose the Eucalyptus Refresh package and fell in love with the smell of Eucalyptus. I have a sample they gave me to take home that I actually smell every day! Right now they are offering a free AromaRitual upgrade with any gift card purchase now till 5/31 – purchase gift cards here.
Attention Pinners: If you’re a fellow blogger/pinner and you haven’t read/watch the newest info on Pinterest here it is. Super valuable information in here that is coming to direct form Pinterest. This also explains all the recent changes to Pinterest.
The Hit List
- Instand pot Thai lemongrass chicken nuam naum naum
- How to get your pitch emails read – great info in here
- Wolves of Instagram – don’t buy in or believe everything you see on Instagram
- Must eat this toast from Bar Dough ASAP
- The top 60 countries to visit from a world traveler
- Foods to avoid during a breakout aka cheese and more
- Individual Queso Cups omgggg I’d eat all of these
On the hunt for a travel backpack… any suggestions?
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