This year more than ever, it’s so important to give back in any way you can. I wanted to round up several ways to give back to our community, whether it’s with your wallet, your time, or with just comments and like. Please let me know if there is another charity or group I should add to my list!
Colorado Gives Day Dec 6th
Globally, December 1st is Giving Tuesday, but in Colorado, we have Colorado Gives Day on December 6. Colorado Gives aggregates organizations across the state that you can donate to. The website makes it super easy to search by cause or my region and then how to donate. Learn more here
Adopt A Family For The Holidays in Denver
Salvation Army Angel Trees – Typically, a salvation army tree has notes where you can choose a family or person to buy gifts for, but this year it’s gone digital. Clay and I decided to adopt a little girl and just picked out her Christmas presents. Learn more here
Denver Rescue Misson House Warming Boxes – This year, DRM has pivoted to putting together a housewarming with the essentials families need when transitioning into home-like cleaning supplies, sheets, and towels. Learn more here.
Catholic Charities Adopt a Family – Adopt a family of any shape in kind, like kiddos to seniors, and make their Holiday a little brighter – learn more here.
The Family Tree – Adopt a family or host a toy drive – learn more here.
Savio Family – Savo supports families who are experiencing substance abuse, domestic violence, or relationship issues within the family. Learn how to adopt a family here.
Feed Colorado
Food Bank of the Rockies – Food Bank of the Rockies provides food to food pantries across the state. There are a number of food pantries across the state and you can find them here.
Denver Food Rescue – Denver Food Rescue literally rescues food from grocery stores and restaurants that would have otherwise been tossed and delivers it directly to people in need.
We Don’t Waste – Similar to Denver Food Rescue, We Don’t Waste collects food from restaurants, catering, venues, distributes, and more and donates them to local soup kitchens, food pantries, and more across the state.
Support Small Business
Shop Local – I put together a list of my favorite Denver boutiques and stores so you can shop local this holiday season.
Comments are Currency – If you can’t buy or give, take out your phone and like, follow, comment, and even better to go Google or yelp and leave a glowing review of your favorite spots. These simple free acts support your favorite small business more than you know!
Other Ways To Give
Project Angel Heart – This local non-profit prepares and delivers tailored meals to those living with a life-threatening illness. They deliver around 1,600 meals per week! This holiday season they are asking for volunteers to decorate bags. Bags can be picked up and dropped off contactless too. Learn More Here.
This post has been updated and recirculated for 2022