A few years ago, I would have laughed in your face and said no, I do not spin. But then one day I decided to try a Bike & Barre Class at Rebel Fitness and I fell in love! This was not your typical spin class in the pitch black with a leader board. This little studio room had 10 bikes and gorgeous giant sun lights so we started in the dark and as the sun rose the room brightened – loved it!
Anyway, I got into it and spin became one of my favorite workouts. Back in the fall of 2018, I brought up the idea of buying a Peloton. We looked into it and started debating how it could fit into our budget… we debated for about three months. We finally decided with the monthly payments we could make it equal to what we were paying in gym memberships. Right around the time, we bought our house we pulled the trigger. With the wedding only a few months away we hit the bike hard and fell in love!
Why I love Peloton
It feels damn good to go for a ride. I may drag myself onto the bike but I get off feeling freaking fabulous.
- The Motivational Teachers
- The Variety of classes
- Endorphins = Happy
What makes it so fabulous beside the endorphins is the instructors. Each instructor has their own vibe and you will undoubtedly find a few you really connect with whether it’s their taste in music, teaching style or motivational style. Motivation is a huge part of Pelaton, while they might be teaching to a packed class they are looking right at the camera and pumping you up. It feels very intimate.
I love Cody and Ali Love for motivation and Alex and Dennis for technique. When I was in NYC I took two classes from Hannah and loved it – her skin is gorgeous. Even a year later I am still finding new teachers I love.
Class Styles
From 5 minutes to 60 minutes you can find the right ride for the time you have. I typically do 20-30 minutes rides but pre-wedding, I was doing 45 minutes and I am trying to get back up to that this month.
However, my favorite is 30 minutes + arms. These quick arm breaks give me a mental break and really burn. Typically there are about five+ live classes a day ranging in length and style. But you can access any class at any time so you could take a ride from yesterday or last year. When your friends are on Peloton you can see what classes they have taken or even take a class together (and race) too!
Live Classes
I highly suggest doing a live class when you can, the instructors will call out people on the leader board who are doing well, hitting a milestone like 100 or 1000 rides or it’s their birthday!
With COVID, Peloton is offering “Live at home” classes almost daily with an instructor teaching from their house. On April 24th Peloton had their largest live-streamed classes with 23,000 people joining!
The Leaderboard
Clay loves to race on the leaderboard and is always looking to beat his last PR. I like to hop on and hi-five those around me then close it. I find it distracting. However, if I am riding with a friend it definitely motivates you to push harder and beat them!
The Variety of Classes
Classes come with a monthly subscription, besides spin class you get access to strength training (and bodyweight), stretching, yoga, running, dance and meditation classes. I regularly do the bodyweight strength and abs classes. These also run from 5 to 45 minutes so you can really find a class that fits your schedule.
Bonus! You can download the classes in advance so you can do them while traveling and out of service. I have started doing a 10 min yoga flow on most morning to start my day and really enjoy it. If I only do a 20 min ride then ill do 10 min abs.
Why You Should Pull The Trigger On Peloton
Right now Peloton is offering 90 days free when you sign up so now is your chance to sign up and explore the app. Then pull the trigger on the bike (or tread). I am so thankful to have the Peloton at home during COVID. And all the other classes options really cover every form of workout or relaxation I need. When we first bought our bike I didn’t know anyone who had one… before COVID at least 6 other couples had them and now I feel like everyone is ordering one!
Feel free to DM me with any questions! You can also use code ZAF94Q and you will get $100 gear!