We made it! 2017 had its ups and down for everyone but personally, it was pretty great. I got to take another trip around the sun with loved ones and friends, learned a lot, traveled a lot and danced a lot. All of my favorite things!
As I look ahead at 2018 I have some big plans in the works, not only my blog but for my personal life too. In 2017, I really challenged myself to live a healthy active lifestyle. I now workout on the reg and have fallen in love with spin classes. Seriously, never in a thousand years would I have dreamed I like going to spin! So, I have gotten the workouts down and now I am ready to tackle a few other areas of a healthy lifestyle.
Whole30 – We got the book and we are gonna do it! Not sure how or when we can commit to 30 days, but we are gonna do it. I see the Whole30 diet as a restart. This summer when I completed my allergy testing and found out I’m allergic to literally everything, I knew I was going to have to make some major lifestyle changes to stay healthy. So 2018 Goal – Complete Whole30 and restart my healthy by eliminating the foods that make me sick!
Declutter – I will always be the first to admit I am a hoarder. But after moving in with clay it became super apparent that I have a way to much stuff. Like a ridiculous amount of junk. So my goal is total to declutter. I am gonna go one box at a time and toss or give away everything.
Budget – Ahh $$$ so stressful! Clay and I have really big goals for 2018 that we need to save for. Part of my decluttering will be selling what I don’t love on Poshmark. Step two will be slowing my roll on buying clothing. I literally have 3 hanging racks in the basement stuffed with clothes I don’t ware. As a first step I have started Rent The Runway Reserve where I get 4 pieces a month – I will of course document my experience here.
Blog Life – This little blog continues to grow steadily year by year but I am really ready to kick it into overdrive this year. For Christmas Clay and I invested in a great new camera the Sony A6000. We also purchased a class on how to use it and Lightroom. Come February I am gonna be a photography master! I am really hoping this will help take my content to the next level and really grow Blue Mountain Belle.
Id love to hear your new years resolutions! What are your goals for 2018 both big and small? If your thinking about getting back into working out check out my post on Classpass > seriously the only thing that has ever gotten me “into” working out consistently.