To Blue Mountain Belle! That’s right, the end of June marks the 5th anniversary of my blog. This little blog I started in my basement bedroom when I moved to Colorado has grown and evolved so much since then. And so has the wild world of blogging! I mean Instagram has been a game change. Influencer marketing – not a thing when I started. It’s exciting to see how the industry has changed and how my blog has found its place in it. While this blog can be a total bitch to keep up with, it has always been worth it. So many exciting opportunities have presented themselves to me lately that I can’t wait to share them all with you.
My favorite new part of blogging… My Friday emails! I seriously look forward to writing these each week. I highlight different #channingandthecheeseplates, my favorite new music, recent adventures and shopping obsessions. It’s like this blog in summary form delivered weekly – so sign up!