Doodle: Don’t stop doodling! A new study shows that doodling keeps is actually not a distraction but a way to understand and recall information better.
Sweet Emotion: Ever heard of Emotional Marketing Value? Me neither, but it’s how great marketers write their headlines. Headlines with a score of 30% are more likely to go viral then headlines with less of an EMV rating. Read more here and test your headlines here.
Moving On Up: Last week Denver’s Union Station officially opened. I stopped into Kitchen’s new outpost Next Door Union Station last week and snapped this pic of the new terminal. The entire place is so well done and swanky it almost looked like a movie set.
Laughternoon Break: If only my brothers and I had thought of this first. Brothers record a conversation of their mom and aunt talking, then reenact it. Conversations between my mom and our dogs would be hysterical.
Star Trails: This weekend I head to the mountains again and after scrolling through incredible photography of Colorado I can’t wait to do some more long exposures. Matt summited 100 peaks over the last few years in Colorado and documented every single one. Beware this site is addicting.
Shop: J.Crew 40% off wear right now styles with code DEPTOFSALE. Piperlime is having a fall jean sale with 20% off new styles for fall use code NEWJEANS. Victoria Secret is having a major clearance, time for a new bathing suit.